Developing Immune System With Ayurveda

 Dear Friends,

Wishing you health and wellness at this time.
Take care and be well,

The coronavirus, as we all know, is a worldwide outbreak. People are panicking; schools are closed, highways are closed, towns are closed, and everyone is forced to stay at home with their families. As a result, we are at a critical juncture.

I was just reading the Charaka Samhita, and there's a chapter there named "Janapada Dvamsa Vyadhi," which means "world-wide epidemics." There, Charaka says that being at home is a wonderful opportunity.

This is a time for us to stay inside our dinacharya [daily routine]. Clean your teeth, scrape your lips, rinse your mouth, and drink hot or ice water first thing in the morning. Tea with ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom, or standard tulsi chai (holy basil, one or two leaves)

[Here Vasant Lad quotes a sutra: rogāhāsaravepimandegnam sutarambhuterānitu]

[This sutra states:] As long as our agni (digestive fire) is solid, we will be free of illness. As a result, Ayurveda has a fantastic method of prevention. This is how we can avoid being infected with the coronavirus. Keep your agni high by adhering to your dinacharya. It is Ayurveda's first and most significant recommendation.

You scrape your tongue and brush your teeth in the morning for dinacharya. After that, drink a glass of warm water and do pranayama. Bhastrika, Kapala Bhati, Anuloma Viloma, Brahmari, Utjayi, Utgeet, and finally Sheetali and Sheetkari are a set of eight [beneficial] pranayama exercises. Simply by performing this set of eight pranayama, you can improve your health.Our immune system, which includes our pranavaha srotas and respiratory system, can be strengthened. Our lymphatic system will be cleansed as a result of Rasa vaha srotas, and we will have more resources. This will keep the ojas (immunity, strength), tejas (subtle and gross digestion), and prna (life force) in check (vital life force).

There are also some simple herbal remedies described by Charaka. Despite the fact that there is no such thing as a common cold, Charaka advises taking sitopaladi, talisadi, abhrak bhasma, and mahasudarshan churna. Take 12 teaspoon of this preparation three times a day or twice a day, in the morning and evening. You may not want to do that if you are tired.You may make chai by simply adding a pinch of sitopaldi or talisadi to the chai. It will give the tea a wonderful flavour.

That way, [with pranayama], we can clean our prana vaha srotas, our respiratory system, and get a boost of energy to keep the virus at bay. Yogasana — camel, cobra, cow, sail, bow, and bridge pose, locust, lotus, and lion pose — is another fascinating health-supporting activity. If you find that too difficult, simply perform Surya Namaskar.

Do a minimum of 7 rounds and a maximum of 12 rounds of Surya Namaskar. Since there are seven dhtus, we do seven rounds (bodily tissues). Surya Namaskar consists of 12 important poses. So, do 12 or 7 Surya Namaskars, followed by pranayama and meditation. You should meditate using the So'Hum technique. Sit peacefully in lotus, siddhasana (completed), or sahajasana pose for this

(Easy), and mentally inhale with the sound "so" and exhale with the sound "hum." This is a fantastic chance. You will bloom the inner joy, the inner elegance, as you practise this So'Hum meditation. Then sit quietly and take in your surroundings. It's your awareness that makes you feel at ease. Sat Chit Anand is the consciousness.

Sat means truth
Chit is the Sanskrit word for awareness
 Ananda is the Sanskrit word for joy.

This isn't just a trio of sentences. They are all the same thing: sat, chit, and ananda are all forms of consciousness. Treat these as if they were consciousness, and you will have awareness. As a result, we must investigate what is happening in the outside world. Anything that is going on in this world will come and go; nothing is lasting. Even the coronavirus will appear and then vanish on its own.However, we must maintain our dignity, unity, happiness, and equilibrium between our bodies, minds, and spirits. This is a fantastic chance to stay at home and consume meals that you have prepared yourself.

Enjoy basmati rice and mung dal kitchari with sabji vegetables at this time (a style of cooking vegetables with spices). Food that is served hot is preferable. It is preferable to avoid cold beverages.There will be no iced water or iced cold beverage. There will be no yoghurt, cheese, or ice cream. Cold foods depress your agni (digestive fire, digestive capacity), and cold exposure reduces your natural resistance. As a result, try to avoid the cold if possible, but hot water is available. Sip it during the day or when eating; add a pinch of ginger to the water to make a delicious hot ginger tea.

This is Charaka Samhita's wonderful message from the "Janapada Dvamsa Vyadhi" part. This means that they performed doom doomasvanadyay during epidemics, much as they did in the past when they would play the drum during epidemics. Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, D “You ring a bell or clap just to honour those people who are trying to combat this,” India's prime minister told the people.

This is Charaka Samhita's wonderful message from the "Janapada Dvamsa Vyadhi" section of the "Janapada Dvamsa Vyadhi" part. This means that during epidemics, they performed doom doomasvanadyay, similar to how they used to play the drum during epidemics. Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, Doom, “You ring a bell or clap to honour those who are attempting to fight this,” India's prime minister told the audience.


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