Reclaiming Positivity: Navigating Social Media in the Age of Negativity

In the age of social media, many of us find ourselves trapped in a relentless stream of negative and divisive news. Our feeds are inundated with clickbait headlines, toxic drama, and bleak viewpoints, often leading us down a path of compulsive doom-scrolling that leaves us feeling anxious, outraged, and even depressed.

But here's the thing: you don't have to let it control your life. With a handful of simple yet powerful strategies, you can regain control over your news consumption habits and make space for hope, inspiration, and community, even on platforms like Twitter.

1. Follow Accounts That Uplift You

The content you see in your feed is shaped by the accounts you follow. Take a mere 10 minutes this week for an empowering follow refresh:

  • Cleanse your feed: Unfollow or mute accounts that regularly spread toxic drama and misinformation. Remember, less is often more.
  • Seek solutions: Opt for journalists, authors, and organizations that are known for their solutions-focused content. Positivity is infectious.
  • Embrace local stories: Follow local community accounts that share tales of joy and positivity from your neighborhood.
  • Curate for elevation: Tilt your feed towards voices that educate, inspire, and elevate the discourse.

Ava Smith, 36, from Portland, shares, "Adjusting who I followed was a game changer. I replaced a lot of snarky pundits with people sharing art, community news, and social justice wins. The shift in tone has been so uplifting."

2. Limit Distracting Notifications

Regain control over your device by taming the barrage of breaking news alerts:

  • Tailored notifications: Turn off all notifications except for those from close contacts and essential information sources.
  • Scheduled check-ins: Allocate specific times during your day—such as morning and evening—to actively check the news.
  • Distraction-free zone: Disable disruptive badges, sounds, and pop-ups from your apps to reclaim your focus.

Research reveals that people check their phones about 96 times a day on average. By limiting these interruptions, you can center yourself. Omar Rashid, 42, from Brooklyn, attests, "I disabled all app notifications except calendar and messages. It’s made a huge difference in my productivity and peace of mind."

3. Actively Counter Negative With Positive

Strike a balance between the negative and positive in your feed:

  • Spread positivity: Share uplifting community stories that deserve more attention.
  • Engage thoughtfully: Comment with empathy, nuance, and actionable solutions instead of getting caught in outrage.
  • Support change-makers: Back organizations that are making a tangible difference on pressing issues. Progress requires effort!
  • Amplify marginalized voices: Boost content from underrepresented perspectives that offer fresh viewpoints.

Aliyah Shah, 28, from Chicago, says, "I started deliberately looking for ‘news-brights’—inspiring stories to uplift my feeds. Saving baby pandas or a community garden opening doesn’t erase injustice, but it nourishes my spirit to stay engaged for the long haul."

4. Set Healthy Time Limits

Maintain your mental clarity and well-being by imposing healthy boundaries:

  • Structured check-ins: Limit your app usage to just 2-3 times daily, perhaps during your morning coffee and lunch breaks.
  • Timed browsing: Use app timers to confine your browsing sessions to 20-30 minutes each.
  • Screen-free intervals: Incorporate regular hourly blocks of focused work time without screens.

According to a 2022 NYU study, reducing news consumption to 30 minutes a day led to over 30% reduction in anxiety for most individuals. Moderation and mindfulness are pivotal.

James Park, 24, from Los Angeles, shares, "I check the news just twice a day now, for 20 minutes each time. It’s made me calmer and more intentional about how I spend time. I sleep better without staying glued to my phone all night."


You don't have to surrender your mood and attention to the constant churn of news. With mindful consideration, you can take back your feed and nurture your overall well-being. What's one small step you'll take today? Share your habits and tips for finding light amid the darkness, and let's collectively embark on a journey to reclaim positivity in the digital age.


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